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1-2-1 Puppy Training

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5 x 1 Hour Sessions





CALL 07971 627146


Puppy classes aren’t for every puppy (read our blog post on 1-2-1 Puppy Training vs Puppy Classes) as well as being very restrictive for the owner in terms of timing and frequency.


That is why we only offer a 1-2-1 puppy training course where you and your puppy are the sole focus of attention over the length of the entire course. 


Our Puppy Training Essentials course delivered over five sessions is designed from a behavioural viewpoint and covers all the things that are important to you and your family.  We also cover the developmental stages your puppy will go through and how best to cope with them.


Unlimited telephone support and training literature are also included in the price.



  • Your Puppy's First Few Days At Home                                            

  • Your Puppy's Diet (Incredibly important)

  • Crate Training Your Puppy

  • Toilet Training Your Puppy

  •  Leaving Your Puppy Home Alone

  • Puppy Socialisation (It's more than you think)

  • Liking People

  • Puppy Handling

  • Resource Guarding Valued Objects

  • Puppy Biting

  • Teaching Bite Inhibition

  • Teaching Focus And Self Control

  • Basic Obedience

  • Lifestyle Puppy Training

  • Puppy Training On Walks

  • Puppy Training In The Car                 

               (Puppy training at home provides a more natural training environment for both you and your puppy)


We will also work with you and your puppy to:


  • ​Help you build a solid, reliable recall

  • Enjoy comfortable, relaxed lead walking

  • Learn how to Sit, Stay and meet and greet people nicely, without jumping


Unfortunately, what is typically taught at puppy class is just the very basics of dog obedience such as Sit, Down, Stay etc. You may also find that given the presence of other puppies in the class, your puppy may either be totally focussed on them instead of you or traumatised by the noise of excited puppies trying to get to each other.


And besides, no puppy class anywhere will teach you how to integrate your puppy into your particular lifestyle or offer advice on how to modify your recall training when your puppy enters its ‘Flight Instinct Period’ for instance.  There is far more to raising a puppy successfully than just teaching it to sit in some draughty village hall somewhere. 


As it is in all aspects of life, you will only get out of it what you put in and so it is with Puppy Training. With our help, we can guide you during this important time and help make the transition from puppyhood to well adjusted and behaved family dog as stress-free and as enjoyable as possible.


We will always treat you and your puppy as the individuals you are so giving your puppy the best possible start in life.


Contact us for more information.



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