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David's Testimonials

I called David when my puppy was 3 months old.  I was at the end of my tether and was seriously considering the possibility of sending him back as I felt that I couldn’t cope with him. He is my first dog and I had no experience of what normal puppy behaviour is, or what I should be doing to amend the behaviour which I was finding unacceptable. Within minutes of David arriving, he had reassured me that my puppy was not aggressive, but was behaving in a way which was totally normal and, most importantly, could be changed.  David showed me the training techniques I needed to start to teach my dog how to behave, which involved only positive reward.  Within a few days, my puppy’s behaviour started to improve and we both found the training techniques fun, straight forward and bond-building. David was on hand with support; in person, on the phone and via email, whenever we experienced the inevitable lapses and, through perseverance with the techniques, my puppy has grown into a dog who is (most of the time!) obedient, good-natured and a very much loved member of the family. I cannot recommend David highly enough.  He has been an invaluable part of integrating a puppy into our busy household and making the process a pleasure, rather than a chore.”

Nicky Stannard – Guildford


Hi David, I would like to thank you so much for your help with my two terriers. I have been following your advice and we have been training every day.  They can now search in the garden as well as in the house and next week we will commence tracking.  I and the dogs are having such great fun and they are much more connected to me now, and I feel much more confident and relaxed.  Also, I can now get Maisie out of the house and to the car without the barking and carry on.  I can now also walk her BACK through the village and to the house without a sound. So once again thank you very very much.

Maria Campbell – Godalming


We asked David to help us with our 18-month-old Sproodle (Rolo) as we needed help to get over his pulling on the lead problems. David spent 2 hours with us (after a detailed 30 min chat on the phone) and gave us lots of useful advice (not just about the lead problem) and help.  Rolo loved his time with David.  Since David’s visit, we’ve continued with the exercises and training (as well as swapping to a recommended harness) and already see improvement even though we know this will take time.  We thoroughly recommend David whose knowledge of dog behaviour is encyclopaedic.  We even plan to work with David again to help us scent train Rolo.

Carol & Simon – Petworth, West Sussex


We bought a Border Collie puppy at the age of 9 weeks and tried with puppy training classes in a hall, (which of course doesn’t work for a Border Collie).  Every time we fed Enya she would go into a hyper mode, also she was drinking bowlfuls of water after food which we thought was an issue.  She also wouldn’t come back when let off the lead.  We then had a long talk as a family to decide what we should do next.  We looked through the internet and found David.  We decided if this didn’t work we would have to say goodbye to her.  When we spoke to David on the phone we knew that we should give him a try.  He came to our house and talked us through nutrition and how to deal with certain situations.  He showed us everything we asked and was at the end of the phone if needed.  David is straight-talking and shows you just what needs to be done!  We cannot recommend David enough.  His technique and advice tick all the right boxes, he has brought us such a long way in a short space of time.  We are truly grateful to David & Helen if anyone needs a dog trainer out there, David & Helen are the team you need!  We now have a dog that is a complete joy to be around.  Thank you so much.

Alan Saunders & family – Haslemere, Surrey


“David is remarkable in his understanding of our canine friends. So much so I have found myself ‘thinking outside the box’ following his tutoring. One thing I have learnt from David is that dogs learn by association. So, you have a problem with your dog, whether it is separation anxiety, barking, fear aggression, all of which our Lakeland Terrier Eddie was experiencing, distract the bad experience and substitute with a good experience. It takes some self-studying of your dog, but if you can spend the time and try and see it from your dog's side, you will be some way to understanding the problem and engineer a solution.

All this said David was brilliant with Eddie and within twenty minutes/half an hour of him being invited into our home, with Eddie constantly barking, Eddie was quite happy lying at David’s feet just looking around and letting us speak to him without any interruption. Totally relaxed!

This might be a lengthy testimonial, but I could go on, however, to cut a long story short David knows his stuff and he has certainly helped us with Eddie and I can’t thank him enough. It is work in progress but made easier with David’s help. And by that, I mean constant help as he is always at the end of the phone, always willing to give advice and assistance.

Thanks, David!”

Neil – Milford, Surrey


“Maddy is our lovely three-year-old, Border Terrier/Poodle cross. She is bright, sweet-natured and full of character; but she is a little nervous. Puppy training classes were unhelpful and we have never managed to crack the barking when the doorbell rang or when she heard a noise in the road/garden. Jumping up was also a problem and it was all beginning to get a bit stressful.  Having tried all sorts of advice from various sources and realising that we were probably just confusing Maddy, we realised that we needed advice from someone who really knew about dogs and was committed to improving her behaviour in a positive and affirmative way. That was why we chose David. David came to visit us at our home; this was invaluable as he was able to see the layout of our house and advise how we could practically apply the techniques he advised us to use. He helped us understand how Maddy’s mind works and how we could tackle the unwanted behaviour in a really positive way and in the process enhance our relationship with her. David also suggested ways to get our children involved so that we were all being consistent in the way that we interacted with Maddy so that she didn’t become confused. We now wish that we hadn’t waited so long to tackle these issues. Although we know that it will take time and effort to get Maddy back on track, thanks to David we know we are heading in the right direction this time.”

Maddy, Jan and Phil – Redhill, Surrey


I wanted to say a huge thank you for coming out to see our Irish Terrier Coco. After snapping at our toddler I was convinced she had to go. But after one session with you she is a totally different dog. Happy, content and slowly but surely losing any signs of nervousness. Nervousness brought on by our lack of understanding! She has become an even greater part of our family and with proper supervision a wonderful play partner for our little girl. We have made our daughter understand the boundaries she must have with Coco and I think Coco truly appreciates this. Distraction is key as you quite rightly explained, she never gets told off now but strangely also seems to have lost interest in our daughter's things maybe because she is more occupied with being given lots of treats and cuddles.

I can’t thank you enough for showing me how to keep my whole family together!

Monica Gibbons – Lingfield, Surrey


I wish I had known David when our girl was 8 weeks of age.

I feel I failed her by making two bad choices of trainers and then trying to muddle through thinking she would get better.  It was only as I started feeling down and a bit stressed about taking her out that I knew it was time to seek alternative help.  That was when I came across David @ Living With Wolves business card in my local pet shop and we haven’t looked back.

On David’s first consultation in our home, he made me feel at ease and gave me some good techniques in helping us to stop Roxie jumping up to greet people.  Even though she is still doing this it has gotten so much better and less intense.

As dogs mature their behaviour changes so constant training is a must and certainly for us and our 20 month old Rottweiler, group classes just did not work.  It is not about just training a group of dogs sit, down, stay etc, surely individual breeds have different learning abilities and thrive on different exercises just like children and David has helped us understand the importance of mentally challenging your best friend as much as providing physical exercise.

As a dog owner you always want to do what is best and being in a group session I was always singled out and made to feel that my dog was badly behaved.  David gives you confidence and shows you how to get the best out of your dog.

I am pleased to say Roxie is starting to make good progress and as I have now been taught, it is not an overnight fix.  Time and hard work will pay off but I feel so relieved that I have David on hand to guide us in the right direction and offer our girl stimulating training.  Amongst other things I have learnt two very important factors, 1) to love my dog for who she is, energetic, intelligent and highly driven and 2) reading her body language to help her make the right decision.

I cannot praise David enough, his expertise and depth of knowledge are amazing and I cannot recommend him highly enough.

Karen Wilson – Liphook, Hampshire


We have a 9-month-old border terrier, Poppy, who is everything they say about the breed – fun, energetic, willful, friendly, intelligent and loving.  We wanted to employ the services of someone who really understood dogs and could offer us guidance and support as how best to understand our dog and help with ongoing training.

Our initial meeting with David was a real revelation.  We covered everything from diet to training where we were advised more about the border terrier breed and how they respond best to learning and training.

We also went for a walk with David as Poppy has a habit of suddenly bolting if something really catches her eye such as a bird or deer.  His advice was invaluable and we’ve been working hard to make ourselves more exciting than anything else around and although her natural tendencies are to chase, it’s far less frequent and having learnt more about her body language, we are better able to predict when she’s likely to suddenly runoff.

One of our concerns was her enthusiasm to play with and greet any other dogs and people – not everyone likes to play!! Again, Davids advice was spot on!

We believe that with the right information, a bit of patience, practice and regular contact with David, we have (and hope to continue to have) a lovely dog who’s an absolute pleasure to have around.

David also never pushed to book the next visit and is always at the end of a phone if we need to ask him about anything.

I would wholeheartedly recommend David’s service to all dog owners and suggest that the earlier in a dog's life you can start, the better.

Louise and Owen Josey – Midhurst, West Sussex


We contacted David mainly because we started having a few problems with our rescued Border Collie. We didn’t understand why, after a year Monty started being aggressive with people who came into our home and with people who reached out to greet him on a walk. David gave us great, straightforward advice that we could follow helping us see these situations through Monty’s eyes so to speak. It gave us a wake-up call of just how intimidating a meeting with a human can be, and David showed us how we should be taking control of the situation so Monty didn’t have to. What a difference it has made.  Monty is such a happy dog again as he now trusts that we have his back! and we haven’t had a single issue since our sessions with David. We have even taken the dogs away and had a great time when people came over to say hello and we remembered David’s advice and Monty even welcomed the attention with a wagging tail.  We can’t thank David enough for his help in teaching us how to ‘hear’ what our dogs are trying to say to us. Thank you,

Jo & Rick Millan – Guildford, Surrey


It was ‘last chance saloon’ for our dog when we contacted David.  Our 7-year-old Staffie, whom we’ve had since he was a puppy, had become so unmanageable the older he got, that we couldn’t even take him out for walks.  To make matters worse, he had snapped at our toddler too, which was the final straw.  Before calling Staffie rescue, we thought we’d consult David first to see if things were as hopeless as they seemed.  I’m so glad we did!  After just an hour and a half, we had all the tools and information we needed to rebuild our relationship with our dog, help us to understand him, keep him happy, and keep our toddler safe.  I would recommend David to anyone having problems with their dog, no matter how dire the situation.

Luisa Wise and family – Haslemere, Surrey


Getting in touch with David was the best thing I could have done. He really helped me understand the behaviours and thought processes of my West Highland pup. He ensured that I set realistic expectations and focussed on the correct priorities. Holly has progressed really well in so many areas and although we still have a long way to go, David has left me feeling that I am in control and that I am doing the right things. After we have bedded in the basics of Holly’s behaviour I am sure I will need David’s support as we move on to more advanced training.

Brian Stevely – Liss, Hampshire


Having just brought a miniature schnauzer puppy into our home with no real previous experience of dogs, we were very keen to get advice and help with training her. We considered puppy classes but timings didn’t work and we’d heard bad stories about chaotic sessions with minimal individual guidance. After searching on the internet we found David.

He was excellent – patiently and clearly explaining everything, he helped give us a much better understanding and insight into the way dogs think. He gave advice on core training techniques and commands to practice and pointed out where we were doing well and going wrong.

We now have a well trained, happy and content puppy and are grateful to David for his help in achieving this. We would thoroughly recommend him to anyone.

Rob and Kim Kinnaird (and Lola) – Guildford, Surrey


We had the pleasure of working with David in training our two Labrador pups where he has been a fantastic support throughout our journey into puppy-hood,  offering wisdom and sound advice and a friendly voice at the end of the telephone whenever we faced a problem.  I can highly recommend David because the one to one sessions at our home was really important due to the fact that we had two young puppies to focus on with different needs.

David’s experience as a behaviourist was definitely far more useful to us for all-round training and we will certainly be returning to him for further training once the pups are older.

Lynette Coetzee – Bagshot, Surrey


When we decided that we could do with some help from a dog trainer, we were lucky to find David Egan… not only does he know how to kindly train a puppy, but also, and probably more importantly, the owners, who may have differing views on how to train their dog!   David has shown us the way with our Bearded Collie pup who joined us at 10 weeks of age. My husband and I have been together for nearly 25 years and this has been our biggest challenge yet!  With David’s help, we’re making good progress. David has shown us how important it is for us all to follow the same regime with patience and persistence. It’s tough at this early stage in the pup’s life but the rewards are so worth it.

Thank you, David, Helen and the hounds.

Gelly Saunders – Midhurst, West Sussex


We became the proud owners of an adorable and very lively Cockapoo puppy called Charlie at the end of August.  Keen to have lessons I began scouring the internet and asking friends for advice on whom to go to.  David’s website appealed to me because we would get a one on one lesson weekly in our home, which I felt was what we needed. Charlie immediately took to David and after the first session, I definitely felt a lot more confident in dealing with our puppy. Also, the fact that he made it very clear that he was always available for advice ( even after your sessions are completed) which was so reassuring.  The most memorable session was when David and Helen came over with their own dog Dexter. Charlie was petrified, yelped and ran back into the house.  This was repeated several times but I watched and listened as David calmly let Charlie suss out this stranger in HER garden in her own time. To my amazement just 30 minutes later Charlie was lying on her back playing happily with Dexter.

David’s knowledge and experience is immense and it’s obvious to see his love of dogs and the enjoyment he gets from what he does. Every session is about the dog and you, what you want and he tailors it all to your needs. We still have a long way to go and know it's going to take a lot of hard work but I have gained some invaluable advice and tips from David that I won’t forget.

Una Godwin – Liphook, Hampshire


I had just acquired a Pug Cross Jack Russell called Dolly who was eight months old and had had a bit of a rough start in life.  She was not lead trained or catchable once off the lead.  I was feeling somewhat out of my depth.  We already have two pugs which in there own special way are very well behaved so Dolly was somewhat of a shock to the household.  Full of energy she never stopped.  Through word of mouth, I heard of David and went on his web site.  He very quickly got back to me and came to see us.  He sat on the floor with Dolly and for the first time in days she went quiet.   We discussed what I was doing and David gave me great advice on how to move forward.  All this time Dolly circled round him getting closer and finally checking out his pockets for the treats that she decided she wanted.  I was convinced she was not food orientated.  How wrong I was.  Two months on Dolly is happy and bonded to our family.  She is off the lead on walks though she still runs like the wind and comes back most of the time. David gave me the confidence to let her off and trust her to come back to me.  We still have issues from before she came to us which we still work on also some new ones.  But David told me to work out what we could live with and what we couldn’t so some of Dollies habits are still with us but that is part of Dolly and we love her for them.  She is a happy dog and very much part of the family.  David helped me to see Dolly more clearly and to understand better her personality of which we are very grateful.

Thanks from all the Mckinnons – Haslemere, Surrey


Having decided against puppy classes for my Labrador puppy Mika, I contacted David as I thought that understanding a puppy’s behaviour and tailoring the training sessions to what I needed would be more beneficial than to attend a generic session with lots of other puppies in a class. Having the sessions at my house was ideal as David understands the environment we live in and what we want to achieve with our puppy.  David explained very clearly the realistic expectations of young puppies and how to move forward with them as they get older.  David brought his own dogs over to socialise our puppy, explained how dogs interact and how to read the signals a dog gives when they meet others.  We worked on how to gain and keep Mika’s attention whilst out walking, all the basic commands, lead work as well as other issues such as travelling in the car and a few guarding issues Mika had developed. David is always available for advice, is very approachable and genuinely wants the best for you and your puppy.  His calmness, understanding & long term view on training a dog is invaluable.

I wholeheartedly recommend David as a first-class Dog Trainer, Instructor and Canine Behaviourist. I will definitely be contacting David again for some follow-up lessons & advanced training once my puppy is older.

The Power Family – Liphook, Hampshire


We brought our cute puppy Nero home and realised we didn’t have a clue in how to meet his needs, understand him or his behaviours.  We muddled along for a week or so and realised everyone we met is a dog expert!  We received so much advice most of it conflicting so … I googled dog trainers and behaviourists and found David. David was very helpful on the phone and explained the basics of dogs and owners and quickly I realised he could help us with Nero.  We booked 5 sessions of basic training but it was so much more.  David has supported us with finding the right diet to suit Nero and explained routines that would work for both Nero and the family.  He has supported the whole family with a consistent approach to basic training and offered us tips to get over worries like leaving Nero home alone.  Nero is a well behaved happy puppy and we are more confident puppy owners and knowing David is only a phone call away helps.

The Bath Family – Hindhead, Surrey


I thoroughly enjoyed my 5 session puppy training course with our puppy who was 8 weeks old when we started. I found David to be very knowledgeable about all aspects of relevant puppy behaviour and really appreciated his ability to articulate many situations from a dogs point of view. In addition to his wide knowledge, he is also a genuine dog lover and always had the dogs well being and happiness at the centre of every action and conversation. Also, my puppy loved him from the very first session!

Mrs Jakobek – Milford, Surrey


What a day this has been!  Six days ago I adopted Bess, a Border Collie X rescue.  She is gorgeous, bright and very quick and although settling well, was clearly going to be quite a challenge, nervous, anxious not to be left, pulling like a train and most certainly liable to take flight if let off the lead.

But where to turn for help?  So many “experts” out there, so many “methods ”   After much sifting and evaluating, I picked up the phone and found myself speaking to David, we chatted and he agreed to come out to us the very same day!

David arrived and the first thing that happened was Bess escaped and did just what I had been dreading and ran off into the lane and I thought this is great, no panic for me because I was able to watch David at work, gently talking to Bess to encourage her to come closer, using his voice, body language, always encouraging her, taking all the time with no hurry. Sometimes she would be distracted and move away but gradually she came nearer and nearer until safely back.

Indoors we all went and David spent time with us, playing and working with Bess and I began to see a new way to work, feeling encouraged by David to follow my instincts, but also to embrace the new ways I could see David using so successfully with Bess.

Added to all this is a sense that I am not on my own.  To me it is a huge responsibility to take on this little dog, I just felt I needed some help.  How glad I am that I listened to that voice today.  Now I have a friend in David whom I know will help Bess and myself to build our new life together.

David, heartfelt Thank you

Bess and Mary – Brighton, East Sussex


A huge thank you to David and Helen for helping us with our miniature Schnauzer puppy, who has problems with fear-based barking.  They quickly identified the specific issues that we needed to address and explained them in an informative, and relaxed style.  We now have a new training plan for our puppy which we have begun putting into place and she is already responding well, much to our delight.  We have a greater understanding of her needs and how to help her which makes us feel calmer when we are out on walks and the progress we are seeing encourages us to keep going, knowing not only that we will get there but will be doing so using positive training methods that we all seem to enjoy. Thank you both so much again for your knowledgeable and practical approach.

Richard Leishman and Jayne Lang – Fernhurst, West Sussex


Our family have been considering getting a puppy for a long time and although we are previous dog owners, we were keen to get everything in place as this was our first puppy!  We had emptied the library of books on puppy training and there was so much info (some of it contradictory as views on training seem to have changed over time) and it was all a bit overwhelming.  We contacted David as his website seemed to meet all our requirements and following an initial call felt we could work well with him as he had a very pragmatic approach.

David and Helen his co-trainer came to meet us at our house and Cody took to them straight away.  They reviewed everything we were doing with Cody from basic commands/toilet training/crate training and mouthing distractions.  They assured us what we were doing was correct and that gave us the confidence that we weren’t creating a future issue.  They gave us lots of helpful tips and advice. When Cody first came home he was happy going in his crate, but at night time would howl and whine when we left him.  David gave us a couple of tips which has made all the difference and Cody now sleeps from 2230-0600 contented as anything in his “den”.

Their practical advice and down to earth approach on dealing with dogs is great and we will be working with them again as Cody matures.

Thank you both

Russell Family – Haslemere, Surrey


Finding David was one of the best things I could have done when looking for help with my nervous 2-year-old rescue border collie.  Initially, we had a long telephone discussion about all the problems I was having – barking at me, fence running, barking in the car when passing cyclists, horses and sometimes pedestrians to name a few.  David helped me to understand the reasons for these reactions and showed me practical reward-based ways to help with Luka’s behaviour when meeting other dogs and children which was the most worrying of our problems.   David explains things in a calm, friendly and informative manner and I have seen an improvement in Luka’s behaviour after just one visit. I would certainly recommend David to anyone looking for helpful and practical advice with their dog.

Sheila Jess – Nr Brighton – East Sussex


David has given us some really useful (and surprising) insights into how dogs tick – and therefore helped us tremendously in doing and then continuing to do the right things with our new puppy.

I’d be happy to recommend David – he’s very good at training you to train your dog in a fun and relaxed way that, vitally, delivers results.

And it’s pretty clear he likes dogs!

Thank you, David

Tim and Nicola Anderson-Edward – Haslemere, Surrey


We contacted David after losing our dogs during a walk for the third time in quick succession – we were running out of ideas on how we would ever be able to enjoy a walk again!

David’s calm approach and evident experience enabled him to easily gain the trust of our two terriers. His training exercises, built on a play and reward basis, have delivered rapid improvements in their behaviour as we have learnt how to better interact with them.

We still have a long way to go, but we would strongly recommend David to anyone looking for a fun-based approach to training man’s best (and sometimes most disobedient) friend.

Matthew & Sarah Norgate – Liphook, Hampshire


My husband and I had just adopted a CollieX rescue at 6 months old, so as we were really keen to find an expert dog trainer as not only were we adopting a slightly older dog but one that also had had a really bad start in life. We were also dealing with a young flighty dog that had bolted when off the lead, so we were terrified of letting her off the lead. So thank goodness we found David. We contacted David through his website and the next day we had a telephone call where we discussed our dog Poppy in great detail and I immediately felt confident that David could help. It was such a relief. We booked lessons and have not looked back. We now have Poppy walking to heel without a lead, we have learnt ways to practise recall by using games and reward technique, with all the while a friendly and informative David explaining why she behaves as she does, allowing us to understand the dogs thinking and making us better at training. We also had advice on what to feed and her upset tummy has also resolved itself. We would highly recommend David as his one to one training has brought us such a long way in such a short time. Its been an amazing experience and one which we will continue as from no training we are now looking towards dog agility!

Mrs and Mrs Butler – Haslemere, Surrey


I met David at the local pet store where I was rather despondently wondering whether I would ever get our new black Labrador puppy to be trained – either in the house or outside! David came and met us and the puppy at home and as well as bonding immediately with Kali (the puppy), he was a terrific help to Roy and me. He showed us various techniques to manage Kali and generally instilled some confidence in us. We are looking forward to his assistance going forward as the puppy grows and develops.

Suzi and Roy Gordon – Haslemere, Surrey


My husband was looking for a dog/puppy trainer on the internet before we collected our puppy as we wanted to get things right.  It was at that time we came across Living With Wolves and was most impressed and we definitely have not been disappointed.  David instantly bonded with our puppy and got him sitting and down from 9 weeks old and we haven’t looked back since.  Our puppy is now 4 months old and I have to say he’s fantastic and it's all thanks to David.  If you are looking for a trainer then I couldn’t recommend David highly enough.  His technique and advice on training a dog is spot on and very thorough and we all feel confident in training our puppy, even my 13month old daughter has learnt to say ‘sit’ as her first word!

Giles and Verity Agutter – Midhurst, West Sussex


David has helped with several of my rescue dogs working on specific problems or assessing them.

He has explained why they behave in certain ways which have helped me understand them better and read the interaction between dogs more clearly, which is a huge help when dealing with lots of different dogs.

David explains things without being patronising, he has given his time and his expertise free of charge as we are a rescue but also because of his love of the dogs and desire for their well being.

It is this love and enjoyment of being with the dogs that shines through and it is obvious he would rather be doing this than anything else in the world, the dogs too, positively glow in his presence and become instantly transformed.

Each time he works with the dogs it gives me the confidence to then move them on to the next stage.

Our rescue dogs have benefited enormously from his input.

Alison Oakden. (Guildford & District Staffordshire Bull Terrier Rescue.)


Thank goodness we found David!  We have a three-year-old border collie with challenging behaviour and have been through numerous trainers and other dog “experts”.  Some were no help, others simply made matters worse and we were at the end of our tether when we contacted David. The unwanted behaviours including food guarding, snapping if touched, “fly snapping”, extreme reaction to sounds such the opening of the cutlery drawer and chaotic behaviour around cars was if anything getting worse and worse.  David was the first trainer who genuinely seemed interested in our dog and took the time to get to know him. Instead of simply telling us what to do, David demonstrated techniques and ways of working with our dog which really work and has made a huge difference to our lives. David was also the first person to spot that there could be a neurological problem. With David’s encouragement, we obtained a referral to the Royal Veterinary College where our dog had an MRI scan which has confirmed brain abnormalities. We now have medication which, combined with continued behavioural work with David should help us to make our dog's life happy, and ours far more relaxed!  We could not recommend David highly enough. His knowledge, experience and love of dogs shines through.

Derek and Jane Wonnacott – Haslemere, Surrey


I would just like to say a huge thank you for your help with Ruby and her very severe recall issue’s.  Your experience is outstanding and technique brilliant and I have learnt so much in the 5 one to one lessons we have had.  Ruby is a much happier dog and as in a lot of things, it is working progress and I will continue to work with her.  If anyone out there thinks there is a miracle cure for training a dog then they are on another planet, it takes hard work and a lot of patience and dedication.  I would highly recommend David to any person wanting help to train their dog.  You give the tools required and then the hard work is down to the owners.  I can not stress how much help you have been and your ongoing support is of great value.

Ashley and Ruby – Bordon, East Hampshire


We honestly thought we would have to part with our two-year-old German Shepherd when he started growling and snapping at the kids.  He was also uncontrollable on the lead when out, having a go at anything that moved and making walks a nightmare.  We contacted other trainers but they all could do nothing with him.  Then we contacted GS Rescue and they put us in touch with David.  David spent a long time with us on the phone explaining everything that was going on in our dogs head and how to communicate with him.  It all started to make sense and when we started to do the things David suggested the turn around was dramatic.   We then asked David to come and see us to sort out the lead problem.  David again spent time with us explaining things and then came the lead test.  Well, we were absolutely blown away.  After only minutes spent with our boy, David had him walking to heel on the lead as if he was his own dog.  We just couldn’t believe it.  Since then our boy has gone from strength to strength and is nothing more than the perfect dog all thanks to David.  No way will we give him up now.

Sandra and John – Liverpool


I don’t know how he does it but does it he does.  I have thrown good money after bad on trainers whom I can only now describe as ‘quacks’.  When David came along he sat me down, explained things in plain English, showed me where I was going wrong and told me in a no-nonsense way how to put it right.  I am now a very proud owner of a formerly delinquent German Shepherd who is now just as happy as I am.  Well worth every penny and highly recommended.

Steve – Chester


I have to be honest, I had my doubts about all this dog behaviour stuff, after all, isn’t it just another one of those fad things that seem to be the latest craze.  When we were put in touch with David I still had my doubts but we decided to give it a go anyway.  Thank God we did and I have to say I have never seen anything like it.  David came to see us and talked to us in detail which again left me thinking ‘here we go again’.  Then we introduced our 4-year-old German Shepherd bitch who hated strangers in the house and had a tendency to try and bite them.  Five minutes later she was lying at David’s feet and totally relaxed.  David then stood up, said come and went to the garden with OUR dog following him as if she was his.  He hadn’t touched her or even acknowledged her.  She is a work in progress and she still has her moments but then, not everyone is David.  She is however getting there.

Chris and Pamela – Sheffield  


We recently met with David to give our 2 yr old Labradoodle a once over as we were concerned with his recent behaviour to certain dogs running up to him and our dog sometimes growling and showing signs of aggression.

David showed us some great techniques to keep our dogs focus on us and avoiding such confrontations, and we put these to practice on the day when his dogs were brought into the same area.

We both came away with a great sense of relief after David reassured us that our dog was actually behaving, “Like a Dog” now that he has reached Adulthood. As David explained,  not all dogs will like every dog it meets.  It’s our unrealistic preconception that every dog will want to be friends with every other dog.

David has a wealth of knowledge that makes perfect sense when explained, and we covered many topics ranging from exercise, diet, and how a dog thinks and communicates.

We would definitely recommend David and wouldn’t hesitate to give him a call if we need some follow up help.

Alison and Rick Penney - Guildford

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